Fabiola Spolaor (research fellow)

Fabiola Spolaor got her Master Degree in Science and Technique of Preventive and Adapted
physical activity -University of Padua- (2008-Surface electromyography analysis in diabetic foot
prevention-) and a PhD (2013- Application of Surface Emg in diabetic disease) at the PhD school
on Clinical Medical and Experimental Science, section Neuroscience, at the same university.
Her research activity regards mainly the use of surface electromyography as tool to evaluate
muscular activity both in clinical and sport subjects. In 2010 she won the second place of SIAMOC
young research award, (one week to Hospital del Niño Jesus – Comunidad de Madrid).
She has more than 10 years of experience in the gait and postural analysis research at the
Laboratory of Movement Analysis, Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Padua.
She is first author and coauthor of several papers and abstracts published in peer-reviewed journals
and international conference proceedings concerning diabetic, post-stroke and ankylosing
spondylitis subjects’ gait and posture abnormalities. She’s actually member of Interuniversity
Centre of Bioengineering of the Human NeuroMusculoskeletal Sistem and member of the of
SIAMOC’s board (Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica).
She takes part as a co-author of a patent for industrial invention (2017 - Metodo ed apparato per
rilevare parametri biomeccanici e funzionali del ginocchio).



Contact: fs.crocetta@gmail.com


  • Volpe, F. Spolaor, Z. Sawacha, A. Guiotto, D. Pavan, L. Bakdounes, V. Urbani, G. Frazzitta, R. Iansek Muscular activation changes in lower limbs after hydrotherapy underwater gait training in parkinson's disease: a surface emg pilot study Gait and Posture, IN PRESS
  • Peppe A, Paravati S, Baldassarre MG, Bakdounes L, Spolaor F, Guiotto A, Pavan D, Sawacha Z, Bottino S, Clerici D, Cau N, Mauro A, Albani G, Avenali M, Sandrini G, Tassorelli C, Volpe D. Proprioceptive Focal Stimulation (Equistasi®) May Improve the Quality of Gait in Middle-Moderate Parkinson's Disease Patients. Double-Blind, Double-Dummy, Randomized, Crossover, Italian Multicentric Study Front Neurol. 2019 Sep 18;10:998
  • Scarton A, Guiotto A, Malaquias T, Spolaor F, Sinigaglia G, Cobelli C, Jonkers I, Sawacha Z. A methodological framework for detecting ulcers' risk in diabetic foot subjects by combining gait analysis, a new musculoskeletal foot model and a foot finite element model. Gait Posture. 2017 2017.08.036
  • Benedetti MG, Beghi E, De Tanti A, Cappozzo A, Basaglia N, Cutti AG, Cereatti A, Stagni R, Verdini F, Manca M, Fantozzi S, Mazzà C, Camomilla V, Campanini I, Castagna A, Cavazzuti L, Del Maestro M, Croce UD, Gasperi M, Leo T, Marchi P, Petrarca M, Piccinini L, Rabuffetti M, Ravaschio A, Sawacha Z, Spolaor F, Tesio L, Vannozzi G, Visintin I, Ferrarin M. SIAMOC position paper on gait analysis in clinical practice: General requirements, methods and appropriateness. Results of an Italian consensus conference. Gait Posture. 2017 Oct;58:252-260.
  • Scarton A, Jonkers I, Guiotto A, Spolaor F, Guarneri G, Avogaro A, Cobelli C, Sawacha Z. Comparison of lower limb muscle strength between diabetic neuropathic and healthy subjects using OpenSim. Gait Posture. 2017 Oct;58:194-200
  • Mason M, Spolaor F, Guiotto A, De Stefani A, Gracco A, Sawacha Z. Gait and posture analysis in patients with unilateral posterior crossbite, before and after RPE. International Orthodontics. Accepted. 2016. IF 0.82 Q3
  • Spolaor F*, Sawacha Z*, Del Din S, Guarneri G, Avogaro A, Cobelli C. Altered EMG patterns in diabetic neuropathic and not neuropathic patients are related to speed during step ascending and descending. Journal of Electromyography And Kinesiology. 2016 Aug 20;31:32-39. 1 IF 1.53 Q2
  • Z Sawacha*, F Spolaor*, G Guarneri, P Contessa, E Carraro, A Venturin, A Avogaro, C Cobelli. (2012). Abnormal muscle activation during gait in diabetes patients with and without neuropathy. Gait and Posture. 2012 Jan;35(1):101-5. 7.