Giulio Rigoni (PhD student)

Giulio Rigoni got his bachelor’s degree (2020) in Biomedical Engineering and his master’s degree (2023) in Bioengineering at the University of Padua. His master thesis Development and implementation of an anterior cruciate ligament injury risk index by motion analysis was developed at the Laboratory of Movement Analysis, Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Padua.

He is currently a PhD student at the  PhD School of Information Engineering, curriculum of Bioengineering, at the University of Padua (Development of a telemedicine system for Parkinson's disease personalized home-based rehabilitation).

His research activity mainly regards the development and validation of technologies suitable for markerless tracking of human movement in the wild in both sports and clinical settings to support the creation of new telerehabilitation techniques.

Moreover, he is studying different data mining techniques to be used in the classification of Fragile X syndrome phenotypes.
